I believe life is a series of chapters, some have happy endings, some don't, there is always a few cliffhangers added in to keep us on our toes and we never know where the story might end up, for the end is not yet written.
In my experience life can throw us curve balls but I truly believe that the meaning of life is the journey, lessons and growth that the universe has planned for us. We all have a life purpose and often we know it deep deep down but until the time is right we might have forgotten what we are here to do, our limiting beliefs hold us back or we might not be quite ready.
I am lucky enough to be a mum to two beautiful girls, I worked for many years in a corporate background and for a while was sidetracked by a good income and ambition, yet everyone who really knew me could never quite place me in that environment. I worked exceedingly hard to achieve the things I did and for a long time held a sense of pride in what I was doing. Somewhere along the line I realised I either had lost myself or was still to get to know myself, perhaps I didn't know myself at all.
In the words of Brené Brown I had a "spiritual awakening" and now prioritise happiness with discovering and understanding myself, challenging my limiting beliefs which I now know is what stopped me following the path I truly wanted to following a long time ago and overcoming the negative, nagging and unrelenting inner voice we all have that tells me; I am not good enough, I could never fit in, I am not clever enough, I wont make it. Sound familiar?
Clear Water Therapy is my Next Chapter.
I am studying to become a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Psychotherapist, I have no idea where I will end up but I do know this, I am passionate about helping people to understand themselves and become the people they want to be. I volunteer with CHANGES Community Health Project in East Lothian who over the years played a hug role in me challenging my own mindset and I love working with clients within Clinical Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching which I am fully qualified to do.
I love our planet and I am passionate about living as organically as life allows us to, each set of circumstances is different and unfortunately the Organic life can be an expensive life. Becoming an Independent Consultant with Neals Yards Remedies is fun, it was a part of my journey and I'm trusting life will bring all the pieces together for me, it put me in touch with some beautiful souls that have been important in my story, they know who they are. Like all the places life takes us each person will add something of value, its up to us if we see the opportunity they bring for us or not, sometimes we have to look inward to find the answer and accept the most important answers are often the most difficult to find.
You can follow me on social media where I hope my pages offer inspiration and tips. Thank you for reading and thank you for following me.
I have big ambitions, as always, and I am excited for the future, a future where my girls have a mum they can be proud of that teaches them to be true to themselves.
• W E L C O M E • to my Next Chapter ❤️